Historical Marker

Needville Methodist Church Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Needville, Texas
( 1 mi. SE of Needville on SH 36, then 1.25 mi. north on Needville-Fairchild Rd. to Padon Road)

Located on land purchased by the Needville German Methodist Church from the State of Texas in 1896, this small cemetery began in 1903, when the infant son of the church's pastor, William Sievers, and his wife Alma was buried near the church building. By 1905 children of the Busch and Kielman families also were buried here, and the Zich family began burying relatives in the graveyard in 1907. Adjacent to the Needville Public Cemetery, this plot has historically been used by members of the Methodist church, which moved into the town of Needville in 1927.

Incise on base: Funded by the Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bacica.