Historical Marker
The Old Rock House
Historical marker location:
Sylvester vicinity, Texas
( From Sylvester take SH 1085 south about 0.3 mile to dirt road veering to left. Follow dirt road onto ranch and to rock house.)
Marker installed: 1984
In the 1880s Andy Long (b. 1850) began acquiring his 10,300-acre spread known as the "OB" Ranch. His landholdings surrounded what is now the town of Sylvester. This one-room rock house, built in 1883, served as ranch headquarters. Long stayed here while he was in the area working his cattle but maintained a home for his family in Sweetwater (25 mi. SW). The Old Rock House at times also served as living quarters of the ranch foreman. Andy Long sold the "OB" Ranch in 1901 to the Compere brothers for the purpose of colonization. (1984).