Historical Marker

S.P.J.S.T. Lodge No. 1

Historical marker location:
507 East Main Street, Fayetteville, Texas
( 507 East Main Street)
Marker installed: 2013

In 1897, the S.P.J.S.T. Supreme Lodge formed in La Grange with 25 lodges. Lodge no. 1 in Fayetteville voted to purchase land and in Oct. 1910, construction of a hall and two ancillary buildings was complete. The vernacular style wood-frame dance hall is clad in white board and batten siding with a gable roof. Simple shutters constructed of narrow vertical boards swing open to provide ventilation. The concession stand, or beer bar, and the old kitchen (now used for storage) provided a place to prepare food, play games and gather as a community. Restrooms and a baseball stadium were later added. The lodge complex continues to provide a place for social and cultural events.