Historical Marker
Fayetteville City Cemetery
Historical marker location:
Fayetteville, Texas
( Pierce and S. Scott streets)
Marker installed: 2008
This burial ground has served Fayetteville since early in the community's history. The earliest recorded burial, of Cass Fisher, dates to 1851. Other notable burials include surgeon, military leader and public servant Dr. William P. Smith and veterans of conflicts dating to the War of 1812. Also interred here is P.J. Shaver, who surveyed and named Fayetteville; he also donated land for burial use, which was later divided into this cemetery and neighboring St. John's Catholic Church Cemetery. Today, the graves here serve as a record of pioneer families, teachers, preachers, business owners, judges, city officials, and Fayetteville community leaders and residents. Historic Texas Cemetery - 2006.