Historical Marker

Col. William F. Upton

Historical marker location:
1111 Eilers Street, Schulenburg, Texas
( Shulenburg City Cemetery, west end of Ellers St., Schulenburg.)
Marker installed: 1976

(1832 - 1887)

Coming to Texas in 1853, W. F. Upton settled near High Hill. He organized (1861) and was Lieutenant Colonel of Texas state troops guarding frontiers and coastline during the Civil War. A leading state legislator in 1866 and 1879-85, he aided post-war recovery in Texas. Had a store in Schulenburg many years. A West Texas County, created soon after he died, honors name of Col. Upton and a brother, Col. John C. Upton, a hero killed at second battle of Manassas in 1862.
