Historical Marker

Hogan Blacksmith Shop

Historical marker location:
Dublin, Texas
( 200 block E. Elm St.)
Marker installed: 2013

William Alexander Hogan, a former C.S.A. Cavalry Blacksmith, brought his family from Mississippi to Dublin after 1870. With railroads drawing cattle ranchers and cotton farmers in growing numbers, William opened a blacksmith shop on Elm Street. His son, Chester, continued the family business. Chester’s son, Ben, frequented the shop but was destined for another path. He caddied at age 11 and developed into a world champion golfer. Ben used blacksmithing skills to modify his golf clubs, and in 1953 opened his own club manufacturing plant, using what he learned about the science and art of metal from his grandfather and father in the Hogan Blacksmith Shop. The Hogan family held the land until 1997, when they donated it to the city of Dublin.