Historical Marker
Dunlap - Simpson House
Historical marker location:
1203 W. Main St., Waxahachie, Texas
( 1203 W. Main St., Waxahachie)
Marker installed: 1974
A fine example of Queen Anne Revival architecture, this house has among its many rooms two hexagons, two octagons. It was built in 1890-91 by Judge Oscar E. Dunlap (1849-1925), a banker, political leader, chairman of Texas Council of Defense in World War I, Good Roads advocate, industrialist, humanitarian, founder of the Sims Library, Waxahachie. Later owners have included Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Prince, Mrs. Sadie R. Hardesty, and Mr. and Mrs. Max H. Simpson. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1974.