Historical Marker
City of Ferris
Historical marker location:
Ferris, Texas
( Main St. & FM 983, Ferris)
Marker installed: 1974
Sire was occupied in 1851 by the Ephriam Andrews family and their in-laws, the McKnights, settling a purchased land grant. The Duffs, Greens, McDaniels, and Orrs also pioneered here. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church was founded in 1858. The Andrews family (1874) deeded 100-acre townsite, named for Judge J.W. Ferris (1823-99), to the Houston & Texas Central Railway. Post office opened June 22, 1874, in store of the first Postmaster, Jackson J. Straw. First cotton gin opened in 1880; first newspaper in 1889. The Ferris Institute was operated 1892-1907. City has been a brick-making center since 1895.