Historical Marker

Penn House

Historical marker location:
FM 2945, Cisco vicinity, Texas
( On private property, from Cisco take FM 2945 west about 2.5 miles; go over bridge over railroad tracks. Then turn north on dirt road, about .8 mile to house.)
Marker installed: 1988

This Cumberland-plan vernacular farmhouse was built in 1898-1899 by Velzie W. Penn (1876-1954) with the help of his brothers and neighbors. Penn and his wife Addie, who lived here for over fifty years, were the parents of four sons, all of whom were born in the house. Originally consisting of three large rooms and a porch, the home was later enlarged. In 1933 the house was rocked with local stone gathered on the farm by Velzie Penn. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1988.