Historical Marker

Jericho Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Clarendon vicinity, Texas
( 16.5 miles north of Clarendon on SH 70 right-of-way, near intersection with CR B)
Marker installed: 2001

(1 mile west)

Settlement of this area of Donley County began in the late 19th century, before the town of Jericho was founded as a station on the Chicago, Rock Island and Gulf rail line about 1902. Early community burials took place in the pasture near this site, and the graveyard eventually was set aside in the county deed records. The first documented burial is that of Mattie Ray (1850-1895), and the second is that of seven-month-old Garil Prest Schaffer, who died in 1897. Others buried in the Jericho Cemetery include victims of smallpox and influenza epidemics, military veterans and area pioneers.
