Historical Marker

Rayzor-Graham House

Historical marker location:
928 W. Hickory St., Denton, Texas
( N. side of W. Hickory St., between W. Welch St. and Denton St.)
Marker installed: 1989

Business and civic leader J. Fred Rayzor (1890-1965) had this home constructed in 1912 by local builder M. T. Goodwin. It was purchased in 1941 by W. E. Graham (1890-1963) and remained in his family until 1974. Features of the one-story American foursquare home include bungalow details in the door, columns, and windows. Also of note are the central entry in the deep attached porch, a hipped dormer, and washboard siding.

Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1989.