Historical Marker

Flower Mound Cemetery

Historical marker location:
1501 Flower Mound Rd, Flower Mound, Texas
( Flower Mound, 1501 Flower Mound Rd (FM 3040))
Marker installed: 2003

Matthew and Isabella Doyle (Douglass) Donald arrived in Denton County, Texas in 1854. That year, Matthew, a successful farmer, set aside 10 acres for a cemetery, campground and the Flower Mound Presbyterian Church. He served as the first Pastor of the church, to which he formally deeded the land in 1879. The cemetery was used soon after it was established. The first burial was reportedly that of a girl who died at a church camp meeting. The earliest marked burial is that of Ola Hall (d. 1873). The earliest birth date on a marker is that of Anderson Spinks (b. 1808). Early Flower Mound families initially had plots. The Donald plot includes burials of the cemetery's founder and his brother, Robert Henderson Donald, who served as church deacon and state legislator. Other families include the Simmons, Bakers and Crawfords. In 1950, the Dyer Family Cemetery was relocated to Flower Mound, due to the building of Lake Grapevine. The Flower Mound Cemetery Association, along with the church, holds an annual decoration day and worship service. The burial ground remains a link to the generations of residents who contributed to Flower Mound's rich history. Historic Texas cemetery - 2003.