Historical Marker
Eakins Cemetery
Historical marker location:
Ponder, Texas
( 3 miles south of Ponder on FM 156, the West on Eakins Cemetery Road, and north on Wakefield (Cemetery s on West side of road))
Marker installed: 1994
Noah (1810-1868) and Susan (1816-1878) Eakins and their family came to this part of Denton County from Kentucky in 1855. This cemetery was established on their land about 1855-58 when a neighbor, Angelina Rayburn, was fatally burned while cooking on an open fire. Lula Q. Porter, infant child of another pioneer family, was buried in the graveyard in 1861, and the site became a community burial ground known as Eakins Cemetery. It is the final resting place of the Eakins family and many other area pioneers and their descendants. It continues to serve the rural community. (1995).