Historical Marker

Chisholm Trail in Denton County

Historical marker location:
Sanger, Texas
( 7.9 miles west of IH-35 at Sanger on FM 455. See attached marker location map on FM455. Marker to be placed on north side of road, facing road. The Chisholm Trail crossed Western Denton County in this northwest section of the county. This site would have included the Forester Ranch, whose land would have been part of this marker site in the era of the Chisholm Trail. This area would have also included the Chisum/Waide Ranch and, possibly, the Fortenberry Ranch and H. E. Long Ranch before going into Cook County and on into Montague County to the Red River Crossing into Indian Territory (Oklahoma). OTHER MARKERS ON FM 455 OR WITHIN LOCATION THAT PERTAIN TO CATTLE RANCHES AND CHISHOLM TRAIL HISTORY IN THIIS PART OF DENTON COUNTY: A Texas Historical Commission subject marker for the "Forester Ranch" is located on FM 455, 7.5 miles west of Sanger. A "Townsite of Bolivar" THC subject marker is located at SE corner of intersection of FM 455 and FM 2450, west of Sanger. Bolivar was the last supply station for the Chisholm Trail Cowboys as they came up the trail in the county. A Texas Centennial marker "John Simpson Chisum Homesite," is located on Jingle Bob Trail on private property off Chsum Trail and FM 2450 intersection. A THC HTC "Bolivar Cemetery" marker is on FM 455, 3.7 miles west of IH-35 in Sanger, adjacent to old Bolivar Baptist Church. The" Noah C. Batis" THC subject marker (now missing) was located at his house and farm on FM 455,west of I-35, across from elementary school.Batis was a drover and went up the Chisholm Traila and later owned a 90 acre stock farm and served as the town veterinarian. In Sanger "Sanger and the Gulf, Colarado and Santa Fe" THC subject marker is at 100 Bolivar Street, where ranchers later drove their herds through Bolivar to the stock pens at the railway for shipping to Kansas City. Chisholm Trail Marker Location Map is attached with application)
Marker installed: 2017