Historical Marker
Western Heights Church of Christ
Historical marker location:
1912 N. Winnetka, Dallas, Texas
( at Walmsey)
Marker installed: 1972
Founded 1872 after Brig. Gen. Richard M. Gano (1830 - 1913) preached at request of Maj. B. F. Robinson, a Civil War comrade, to settlers from De Soto, Eagle Ford, Jimtown, Lisbon, and Wheatland, making 50 converts. Church met for years in homes or in Mt. Airy Schoolhouse. Early preacher was Z. E. Coombes.
Land was given the church by W. R. Fisher (1888) and J. A. Crawford (1890); Mrs. Mattie Hord Crawford raised money for lumber. Men of congregation erected (1890) first meetinghouse of white clapboard that now houses the church for the deaf and the Sunday School.