Historical Marker

Tripp Baptist Church

Historical marker location:
401 E Tripp Rd, Sunnyvale, Texas
( 401 E Tripp Rd)
Marker installed: 2005

Pioneers arrived in this area as early as 1845, establishing small settlements that developed over time into the Tripp, Long Creek, Hatterville and New Hope communities. By 1882, Tripp residents attended church services in the local schoolhouse. C.J. Washmon, who owned a local grocery store, served as an early pastor for what became Tripp Baptist Church.

In 1906, the congregation began collecting donations to build a new sanctuary, and in 1916 Kaufman County resident Richard Linn donated the property. The building, dedicated in 1918, was also used by the local Assembly of God congregation. In 1954, the Baptists remodeled the original white frame structure, adding a brick façade as well as three classrooms, a pastor's study and a nursery. Later additions included a bell tower.

Early church activities included summer revivals held under brush arbors, often in conjunction with other churches, and baptisms conducted in area creeks, ponds and cotton gin tanks. Over the years, congregation members have also participated in dinners, Christmas nativities and educational programs, and the church has regularly contributed to home, state and foreign missions, and continued in service to its members and its community.

In the 1950s, Tripp consolidated with the neighboring towns of Long Creek, Hatterville and New Hope to form the city of Sunnyvale. For decades, the communities had shared resources, including the Long Creek Cemetery, where many church members are buried. Today, the history of Sunnyvale is comprised of the stories from each community, including the long-standing institution that is Tripp Baptist Church. (2005).