Historical Marker

Buckner Log Cabin

Historical marker location:
Dallas, Texas
( 6 mi. east of downtown Dallas, at Samuel and Buckner (Loop 12) Blvds., Dallas)
Marker installed: 1965

Dr. R. C. Buckner was born in this Madisonville, Tenn., cabin, Jan. 3, 1833. He moved to Texas, 1859.

In 1879, founded Buckner Home. Original quarters cared for 8 children. After his death, April 9, 1919, work continued under sons, Joe D. and Hal F., and grandson, Robert Cooke Buckner II.

This rough-hewn, 2-story cabin was moved here from original site, 1912, by staff and friends. Children playing around it gave the name "Tennessee House."

Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (RTHL), 1965.