Historical Marker

Bailey, Joseph Weldon

Historical marker location:
710 Fair Ave., Gainesville, Texas
( 710 Fair Avenue, in Fairview Cemetery, Gainesville. (Near south road in cemetery).)
Marker installed: 1993

(October 6, 1863-April 13, 1929)

Democrat Joseph Weldon Bailey served in the U.S. House of Representatives (1891-1901) and in the U.S. Senate (1901-1913). A colorful and controversial politician, he was known for his superb oratorical skills and his fiery temper. His career was damaged by his involvement in the notorious Waters-Pierce Company anti-trust case, but in the 1920 Democratic Gubernatorial Primary runoff election he placed second to Pat Neff. He moved his law practice to Dallas in 1921.

Recorded - 1994.