Historical Marker
Community of Concho
Historical marker location:
Paint Rock vicinity, Texas
( from Paint Rock, take US 83 north about 4.5 miles then go east on FM 1929 about 7 miles)
Marker installed: 1983
As settlers came to the area in the late 1800's, a small farming community developed here along the Concho River. In 1905 a post office opened in the home of W. D. Cape. In 1906 J. W. Barr (d. 1964) opened a general store at this site. As the business center for the surrounding rural area, the settlement was also the site of a school, two churches, a cotton gin, a blacksmith shop, and a cemetery. Although the population had declined by the 1940's and the post office was closed in 1954, the site of the pioneer community serves as a reminder of the area's early settlers. (1983).