Historical Marker

German Pioneers in Texas

Historical marker location:
Sattler vicinity, Texas
( Canyon Dam Overlook Park. From FM 306, take N. Park Road or S. Access Road to Corps of Engineers Road.)
Marker installed: 1968

In this area, now covered by Canyon Lake, German emigrants were the first settlers. A society of nobles (Mainzer Adelsverein) sponsored the emigration of 7,380 Germans to Texas from 1844 to 1847. They founded New Braunfels in 1845. Moving west, they established Fredericksburg in 1846. Their Comanche Indian treaty opened 3,800,000 acres between the Llano and Colorado rivers to peaceful settlement. Farmers and artisans, scholars and scientists, they triumphed over epidemic and privation to help build Texas and the West. (1968).