Historical Marker

Saint John's Episcopal Church

Historical marker location:
915 Travis Street, Columbus, Texas
( 915 Travis St., Columbus)
Marker installed: 1990

The earliest Episcopal worship service known to have been held in Columbus occurred in 1848. At that time services were held infrequently, conducted by clergy traveling through the area. The Rev. Hannibal Pratt came to Columbus in 1855, and Saint John's Parish was officially organized and admitted to the Diocese of Texas on April 14, 1856.

Worship services for Saint John's parishioners were held in a variety of locations, including the large castle-like home of Robert Robson, the County Courthouse, and the Methodist church. A lot on Milam Street was purchased in 1871 and a church building was constructed by 1874. It was later sold to the Church of Christ.

Property at this site was purchased in 1906 with proceeds from the will of Mrs. Fannie Darden and money raised by the Ladies Guild. A house located here was used first as a rectory and later as a parish house. A new brick church, built with funds willed to the congregation by Mrs. Nannie Thatcher Andrus, was consecrated in 1942 by Bishop Clinton S. Quin.

Charter members of Saint John's included citizens of the Republic of Texas, veterans of the Texas Revolution, local civic leaders, and state officials.