Historical Marker

Alleyton Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Alleyton Road and FM 102, Alleyton, Texas
( Old Alleyton Rd. at intersection with FM 102 (Cemetery Ave.))
Marker installed: 2010

Alleyton was settled by brothers Rawson, Abraham, John and Thomas Alley ca. 1822; William Alley joined his brothers in 1824. William donated a portion of his property in 1859 for right of way for the Buffalo Bayou, Brazos and Colorado Railway, and the company also built a roundhouse and depot on the property. A town developed around the site and Alleyton became the largest town in Colorado County.

The original map of the town, filed in the county records in 1860, show blocks 57 and 68 marked as the "graveyard." In 1875, the blocks were sold to H.C. Gaedke, after the death of William Alley and the foreclosure and reogranization of the railroad. After Gaedke's death in 1880, portions of blocks 57 and 68 (totalling approximately two acres) were deeded to three trustees for the official establishment of a cemetery at the site. That same year, 2.4 acres were sold to the trustees of the Alleyton Colored Cemetery to officially form a burial ground adjacent to the white cemetery for the burial of the African American citizens of Alleyton.

The oldest marked burial at the site is that of T.S.M. Robinson, whose marker inscription reads "born in Arkansas, died in Texas, 1852, age 22 years." A yellow fever epidemic swept through Alleyton in 1867, and several burials were made at the cemetery at that time, including four members of the Captain Henry Clay Everett family. Additional burials at the site include veterans of the Civil War, Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War. Today, Alleyton Cemetery remains an active burial ground while simultaneously reminding visitors of the pioneer settlers of this community.

Historic Texas Cemetery - 2009.