Historical Marker
Silver Valley Cemetery
Historical marker location:
Silver Valley, Texas
( CR 476 NE of Silver Valley, cross Hwy 84; CR 476 at CR 478)
Marker installed: 2002
Silver Valley Cemetery
The first known grave here is that of Helen A. (Crocker) Averitt, who, like her husband, John C. Averitt, was an early area spiritual leader and educator. Her burial in 1881 predated the purchase and designation of the land as a cemetery by 20 years. Originally called Robinson's Peak Cemetery, the burial ground contains the graves of other early settlers and their families. Veterans from every branch of the U.S. military were laid to rest here, as were the families of Mexican railroad workers in the early 20th century. An association organized in 1958 maintains the cemetery, which is still in use and remains a link to the history of Silver Valley.
Historic Texas Cemetery - 2002.