Historical Marker

James Franklin Byrd

Historical marker location:
Robert Lee, Texas
( from Robert Lee, take SH 158 east about 5 miles, then go northeast on Hayrick Road about 9 miles to Hayrick Cemetery)
Marker installed: 1968

(December 18, 1844-June 9, 1915)

Born in Kentucky. Joined the Confederate army at Gonzales, Texas, 1862. Was in Co. F., Willis' Battalion of Cavalry, army of Virginia. Fought in battles of Holly Springs, Harrisburg, Fort Pilow, and others. Captured, he became prisoner of war on Ship Island. Escaped by volunteering to help load boat, then joining prisoners to be exchanged.

Married Eliza Elizabeth May. Made permanent home at Pecan Mott, West of Hayrick Mountain.

Recorded -- 1968.