Historical Markers in Carson County, Texas
33rd Anniversary National Convention
6666 Dixon Creek Ranch
Atchison, Topeka, & Santa Fe Railroad Depot
Callaghan Memorial Library
Carson County
Carson County
Conway Community Church
Conway Community Church
Cree, Thomas, Homesite
Dr. Charles L. Fields
Farm & Ranch Building
Finch-Lord-Nelson and the Founding of Panhandle City
First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church of White Deer
First Presbyterian Church
First Rotary Drilling Rig Used in Texas Panhandle
First Tree
Gulf Burnett No. 2 (Carson County Oil Discovery Well)
Hotel at White Deer
Jackson General Store
John A. Holmes
Last Great Panhandle Cattle Drive to Montana
Last Great Panhandle Cattle Drive to Montana
Methodism in Panhandle
N-Bar-N Ranch House
No. 2 Burnett (Oil Disc. Well)
Old County Bookmobile, First "Inside Service" Bookmobile in Texas
Oldest Bank in the Texas Panhandle
Panhandle Cemetery
Panhandle Herald
Pioneer Dugout
Polish Settlers of White Deer
Purvines Ranch Home
Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery
Santa Fe Railway, Terminus of
State National Bank
Temple Lea Houston (August 12, 1860-August 15, 1905)
Terminus of the Santa Fe Railroad-Panhandle, Texas
Texan Hotel
Texas Panhandle Pioneers - John F. Weatherlys Family
Texas Panhandle Pioneers - The Simms Brothers
The Square House
Thomas Cree Homesite
Wheatherlys, John F.
White Deer
White Deer Cemetery
White Deer Sacred Heart Catholic Church
White Deer United Methodist Church