Historical Marker

Six Mile Presbyterian Church

Historical marker location:
345 Royal Road, Port Lavaca, Texas
( 4.5 mi. W of Port Lavaca on FM 1090; 0.4 mi. W on Royal Road)
Marker installed: 1998

Worship services in the community that became known as Six Mile began as early as 1894, when traveling ministers such as the Rev. Anton Motycka and the Rev. Adolf Chlumsky conducted religious services once a month in the local schoolhouse. In 1990 the Rev. Mr. Chlumsky led the first area confirmation classes, and Presbyterian services began in 1909. The Rev. H. E. Beseda, Sr., formally organized the Czech Presbyterian church in 1911. A church building, erected on the site in 1923 and destroyed by a hurricane in 1942, was replaced in 1943. Most services were conducted in Czech until 1956. The church remains an active congregation central to life in the Six Mile Community. (1998).