Historical Marker

Seadrift Cemetery

Historical marker location:
1273 Cemetery Road, Seadrift, Texas
( 1273 Cemetery Road; Located 1.273 miles from Hwy 185 on Cemetery Road.)
Marker installed: 2002

Seadrift Cemetery

An epidemic, thought to be measles, took the lives of a number of infants in this area in 1912-1913. Some of their graves remain unmarked, but they were among the first to be interred at this site. This cemetery was established in 1912, when A.D. Powers, a land promoter, deeded five acres to J.L. Knight (1862-1927), trustee for the town of Seadrift, for a community burial ground. The grave of Daisy E. Watkins (1878-1913) is the earliest dated adult burial among generations of local leaders and area citizens laid to rest here. Stones with older dates were moved here from other locations as memorials to loved ones. The many veterans buried here include those who participated in the Texas Revolution, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam. The E.L. Wooldridge family deeded 2.57 acres in 1951 and .85 acres in 1969 to allow for needed expansion. A re-organization of the Seadrift Cemetery Association in 1967 resulted in the installation of a fence and water well, improved maintenance and other enhancements for this historic cemetery. The association continues to oversee the affairs of this site that chronicles the lives of many of Seadrift's early residents and their descendants.

Historic Texas Cemetery-2002.