Historical Marker
Rosenwald School
Historical marker location:
102 W Newton, Luling, Texas
( Front west corner of existing buuilding on Newton Street)
Marker installed: 2014
Julius Rosenwald created the Rosenwald fund in 1917 to endow new African American schools. Luling’s Rosenwald school opened in 1925 to replace the Luling Colored School which began operation in 1874. The Rosenwald School employed four teachers for ten grades and was built on 2.5 acres including a shop, library, home economics and vocational departments. P. W. Tucker was the first principal. The school added buildings to the campus and maintained high scholastic and extracurricular standards until it closed in 1966. Though most original buildings have been razed, the site continues to be a school campus of the Luling Independent School District.