Historical Marker

St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church

Historical marker location:
105 FM 1431 East, Marble Falls, Texas
( 105 FM 1431 East)
Marker installed: 2008

By 1940, missionary priests of the Holy Cross Order were ministering to residents of Marble Falls. Beginning in 1951, Catholic residents worshipped in a local residence; by 1954, attendance had grown enough to warrant a mission. The Catholic community bought property that year and by 1957, the Texas Granite Company began construction on a granite structure. The first mass held in the new chapel occurred on Christmas Day of that year, though the structure was fully completed and dedicated in 1961. Since the church’s early years, parishioners have aided needy residents of the area. Today, the church continues to serve as a religious and community leader in Marble Falls. (2008).