Historical Marker

Naruna Baptist Church

Historical marker location:
FM 1478, CR 103, Burnet, Texas
( Burnet, 19 mi. NW at int. of FM 1478 and CR 103 (near San Saba, Burnet, Lampasas counties intersection))
Marker installed: 2002

Naruna Baptist Church

Settlers came to the Naruna area as early as the 1840s, and the town was named by its first postmaster, William M. Spitler, who came to Texas on the riverboat Naruna. Residents formed Providence Baptist Church in July 1877 under the leadership of Ira Reese. The congregation called its first minister in 1878 and later became part of Austin Baptist Association. Members held baptisms in Deer Creek and built a sanctuary in the early 1890S, sharing space with local Masons. The congregation changed its name to Naruna Baptist Church in 1932. Local population declined after the railroad bypassed the town, but the church continues to serve members through worship and charity work.
