Historical Marker

Site of Camino Real

Historical marker location:
Caldwell, Texas
( from Caldwll, take SH 21 about 9.4 mi W to marker in Roadside Park on S. side of riad)
Marker installed: 1968

(The old San Antonio Road)

Great thoroughfare of early Texas. Following ancient Indian and buffalo paths, sometimes on same course as 1691 "Trail of the Padres", stretches 1,000 miles from Saltillo, Mexico, to present Louisiana. Highway for explorers, traders, smugglers, adventurers, settlers, armies. Was surveyed about 1800 and given name of "King's Highway". Here, as in some other areas, the modern highway follows historic El Camino Real.

Also, in this particular area, El Camino Real marked boundary between the major early 19th century colonies of Stephen F. Austin and Sterling C. Robertson.
