Historical Marker

Macedonia Hix Baptist Church

Historical marker location:
Caldwell, Texas
( from Caldwell take FM 2000 about 13 miles N to church on E side of road)
Marker installed: 1975

Traveling ministers conducted services in this area during the 1840s. The church was organized about 1852 and located on land belonging to Ezra Webb. Oldest marked grave in the adjacent cemetery is that of Elder W. G. O'Bryan, who died in 1867. The first church building was torn down in 1879 and another built on nearby land donated by J .W. Porter. The present structure was erected in 1928. Summer revival meetings, originally held in a brush arbor, often attracted large crowds. The Rev. A. S. Broaddus (1879-1963) ministered to this congregation for about 40 years, 1913-53.