Don Pedro Jaramillo
Historical marker location:(1829-1907) Called "The Healer of Los Olmos". Born in Jalisco, Mexico. Said to have been cured through faith, then given the gift of healing in a vision. He came to Los Olmos Ranch in 1881. Many came to him because, unlike other faith healers, he claimed no power of his own, but said that God's healing was released through faith. He made no charges. Patients gave or withheld as they chose. But whatever was given voluntarily he often gave to the poor-- food as well as remedies. He traveled widely to visit the sick. Hundreds gave testimonials of their healings.
Llamado "El Curandero de los Olmos". Nacio en Jalisco, Mexico. Se dice que fue curado por la fe, despues recibio el don de curar en una vision. Vino al Ranch de los Olmos en 1881. Muchos venian a el porque, no como otros curanderos, el no reclamaba su propio poder sino decia que el curamiento de Dios era obtenido por la fe. No cobraba. Los pacientes pagaban si querian. Pero lo que se la daba voluntariamente, acostumbraba darselo a los pobres--comida tanto como remedios. Viajo extensivamente visitando a los enfermos. Cientos han dado testimonios de sus curamientos. (1971).