Historical Markers in Brewster County, Texas
Albion E. Shepard House
Ancient Rocks Boundary
Black Gap Wildlife Management Area
Brewster County
Brewster County Courthouse
Burgess' Water Hole
Chambers Hotel
City Building
Colonel Lewis Given Harman
Comanche Trail
Denuded Ouachita Rock Belt
Double Mills
Federico Villalba
First Baptist Church of Alpine
First Methodist Church
First School House
Fort Pena Colorada (Red Rock)
Gage-Van Sickle House
Garcia-Valadez House
Hancock Building
Holland Hotel Building
J. C. Bird
J.C. Carr-Bob Slight House
John R. Holland
Lajitas Cemetery
Leoncita Springs
Los Caballos (in core of the Ouachita Structural Belt)
Nolte-Rooney House
Old Roman Catholic Church
Our Lady of Peace Parish Hall
Pioneer School House
Ritchey Hotel, 1886
Texas Confederate Colonel Henry P. Brewster (1816-1884)
Texas Confederate General Lawrence "Sul" Ross
The Gage Hotel
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