Historical Marker

Major James Peckham Caldwell

Historical marker location:
Jones Creek, Texas
( Gulf Prairie Cemetery; off SH 36 on Gulf Prairie Rd. at Gulf Prairie Cemetery)
Marker installed: 1970

(January 6, 1793 - November 16, 1856)

Adjutant of the Texas army in Battle of Velasco, June 26, 1832. Wounded there, he was guarding civilians at time Texas won independence in Battle of San Jacinto, April 21, 1836.

A bosom friend of Stephen F. Austin, Caldwell received land grant from Mexico in 1824. In 1830s he had a sugar mill, said to be the first on the Brazos.

He married Ann Munson, widow of his friend H. W. Munson. They had a son and a daughter.

Recorded - 1970.