Historical Marker

John Walton Harrington

Historical marker location:
248 FM 3347, Round Mountain vicinity, Texas
( from Round Mountain go north on US 281 about 2/10 miles, then go west about 7 1/2 miles on RR 962, then go south onto FM 3347 about 1/10 of a mile to first gate on west side of road. This cemetery is located on private property and the owner will not permit access to general public.)
Marker installed: 1972

(July 4, 1822-Jan. 7, 1908)

A soldier in Army of Republic of Texas at age 13, Harrington served from May 10, 1836, to August 14, 1837. In payment he received a bounty land grant of 1,280 acres in present Newton County.

A stockraiser, he came to own several hundred acres in Llano, Blanco, and Henderson counties.

He was born in Arkansas; his wife, Sarah (1829-1928), in North Carolina. They had at least 13 children, all of whom were born in Texas.
