Location: Eisenhauer Cemetery is located on private property in the northeastern corner of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Starting at the intersection of North Foster Road and Binz Engleman Road, head east on Binz Engleman Road for 0.95-mile and turn left onto a private drive. Continue down private drive for 0.27-mile. Direct east into undeveloped floodplain for 475 feet. Cemetery is located within dense, riparian vegetation on the east side of a cleared San Antonio Water Systems sewage right-of-way, and on. the northern high bank of an unnamed creek. At the time of documentation, the Ackerman Gardens residential development was under construction. Once construction is complete, the cemetery will be roughly 500 feet south of the residential street that direct south from Binz Engleman Road, paralleling the eastern side of the aforementioned private drive. Latitude/Longitude coordinates for the cemetery are 29°27'48.18" N, 98°20'32.84" W, or NAD 38 UTM Meters 563757.8 Easting, 3259506.3 Northing.
To address the problem of cemetery destruction and to record as many cemeteries as possible, the
Texas Historical Commission offers the Historic Texas Cemetery designation.
The Historic
Texas Cemetery designation was developed in 1998 to help protect historic cemeteries by
recording cemetery boundaries in county deed records to alert present and future owners of land adjacent
to the cemetery of its existence. Every county in Texas has at least one cemetery designated as a Historic
Texas Cemetery through this program. The HTC designation is the first step toward preservation of a historic cemetery.
A cemetery is eligible for designation if it is at least 50 years old and is deemed worthy of recognition
for its historical associations. The very nature of a cemetery being a landmark of a family’s or community’s
presence is considered to validate the criteria of historical associations. Any individual, organization, or
agency may submit a request for designation.