Historical Marker

Comanche Gap

Historical marker location:
Nolanville vicinity, Texas
( At the intersection of Comanche Gap Rd and FM 2410, 2 miles SW of Nolanville. Marker reported missing Aug. 2008.)
Marker installed: 1967

Break in mountain chain from Lampasas River to Nolan Creek. Route to one of oldest Indian trails in Southwest, and escape point for Comanches after last raid in Bell County. On March 14-16, 1859, the Indians killed four settlers, including John and Jane Riggs. They captured Rhoda and Margaret, daughters of the Riggses, but abandoned them here at the gap as they fled from a posse.

Public feeling after this raid led to a campaign against the Comanches, led by Maj. Earl Van Dorn, commanding U.S. Cavalry.

Recorded Texas Historical Landmark, 1967.