Historical Marker

Colony Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Beeville, Texas
( NE of Beeville 9 mi. on FM 3355 to CR 201, then 1 mi. E (E of Normanna))
Marker installed: 2002

Several Norwegian farmers and their families immigrated to this area beginning in 1894. Their settlement became known as Norwegian Colony or, simply, the Colony.

In April 1897, Colony residents met to establish a cemetery and a cemetery association. Because three earlier graves were on a corner of Hans Thompson's property, he offered to donate an acre for the burial ground. His offer was accepted, and O.R. Peterson created a plan for the site, dividing it into four blocks of equal size. The fourth block was established as an open area for single graves available to anyone. Lewis Travland, Hans Thompson and Barney Olson became the association's first officers. Although the association wanted the burial ground reserved for those of Scandinavian descent, many others were initially allowed in the fourth block. This practice was discontinued when it became clear there was limited space.

The first three burials are those of Hans Thompson's son, Carl (d. January 1896), Barney Olson's son, Barney (d. August 1896), and Telda Travland (d. April 1897). The two earliest birth dates noted in the cemetery are those of Nels Thompson (b. 1810) and Gertrude Hanson (b. 1826). Veterans of the Civil War, Spanish-American War and both World Wars are also buried here. The names of settler families and their descendants can be found throughout the burial ground, including Thompson, Travland, Selgelid, Kingsted, Nelson, Olson, Beck, Berkeland, Mickelsen, Torgerson, Lovell and Sivley.

Today, Colony Cemetery, designated a Historic Texas Cemetery in 2002, is a link to the original Scandinavian families and their contributions to the community's rich history. (2004).