Historical Marker

New Red Rock Cemetery

Historical marker location:
Red Rock, Texas
( SH 812)
Marker installed: 2003

As early as the 1850s, settlers of the community of Red Rock had established homes in this area. In 1870, the Red Rock Post Office opened, and by the mid-1870s, the settlement supported the Red Rock Male and Female Academy. The town grew, with about 150 residents by the mid-1880s. In 1890, the MK&T Railroad built about one mile east of Red Rock, and residents moved their homes and businesses here. The growing community established this cemetery in 1913, when L.A. and Adirenne Turner conveyed one acre of land to trustees L.G. Ellis, Gus Jung and N.B. Harris. The first documented burial is that of S.B. Harris, who died on April 22, 1913. In 1922, the cemetery's Turner Section was established when the Turners doanted an dditional quarter acre. In 1952, the Rev. Eugene Stewart Neuenschwander deeded almost half an acre to the cemetery, and in 1965 and 1993, the Petty family donated land and lots to the cemetery association, which maintains the burial ground today. Burials include those of miliatry veterans and members of franternal organizations, as well as generations of area residents, forever linking the New Red Rock Cemetery to the community's rich history. Historic Texas Cemetery - 2003.