Historical Marker
Wallis Methodist Church
Historical marker location:
Wallis, Texas
( Birch at Guyler, Wallis)
Marker installed: 1996
Land was deeded in 1890 by M.L.H. Harry to church trustees F.D. Brant, D.H. Harris, N.P. Ward, W.T. Brown, and M.L.H. Harry for the formation of a Methodist church in Wallis. The church considers 1893, when a loan was taken out for a new sanctuary as its founding date. The first pastor was A.S. Blackwood who served from 1891 to 1893. The Wallis United Methodist Church celebrated its 100th anniversary in October 1993. The congregation supports mission work, is active in many programs, and continues to serve as an integral part of the Wallis community. (1996).