Historical Marker
Saint Paul Lutheran Church
Historical marker location:
Bellville, Texas
( from Bellville, take SH 36 north about 10.8 mile, then go east on Sempronious Road, then go north about 1 mile on Church Road)
Marker installed: 1990
Lutheran clergy served people in this area as early as 1886, but this congregation did not officially begin until 1890. The first worship service was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stern, and Henry Stern deeded land for a church and cemetery. The Rev. Renatus Fiedler served as first pastor, and a church building was dedicated on October 12, 1890. The congregation also operated a day school for a time. Some worship services were conducted in the German language until the 1940s. The original sanctuary was replaced in 1965. (1990).