Historical Markers in Kershaw County, South Carolina
A Daring Plan
A Final Encounter
Action at Logtown
African Americans Choose Sides
Agnes of Glasgow 1760 ~ 1780
All the King's Men
American Commanders
Attack at Dawn
Baron DeKalb
Baruch Home
Battle of Boykin's Mill
Battle of Camden
Battle of Hobkirk Hill
Battle Of Hobkirk Hill
Battle of Hobkirk's Hill
British Commanders
Camden - Strategic Key
Camden Battlefield
Capt. Robert Kirkwood (1756-1791)
Charge and Countercharge
Citizen - Soldiers
Colonel Joseph Kershaw's Tomb
Confederate War Memorial
Defeat in the Center
Donald Truesdell Memorial
Driven from the Field
E.H. Dibble Store / Eugene H. Dibble
Forced to Retreat
Fruitless Victory
General Gate's Disgrace
General Greene's Headquarters
Greene's Counterblow
Historic Camden Revolutionary War Site
In Honor and Rememberance
In Memory of All American Veterans
James Polk Dickinson
John C. West Boyhood Home
Joseph Kershaw (1728-1791)
Kershaw House
King Haiglar Tower
Maj. Gen. Baron Johann de Kalb's Original Gravesite
Mather Academy
Meet the American Army of 1780
Midway High School
Monroe Boykin Park
Monument to Kershaw Countys Confederate Dead
Monument to Lt. Col. James Polk Dickinson
Native Allies
Northeast Redoubt
Northwest Redoubt
Nothwest Redoubt
Old Camden Courthouse and Gaol
Our Honored Dead
Palisade Wall
Panic and Valor
Peay's Ferry / Peay's Ferry Road
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
Powder Magazine
Presbyterian Meeting House
Prisoners of War
Pursued Beyond the Battlefield
Quaker Burying Ground
Revolutionary War Memorial
Richard Kirkland
Samuel Mathis House
Shots in the Dark
Southeast Redoubt
Southwest Redoubt
Struggle for the Hill
The American Army
The Americans Return
The Battle of Hobkirk Hill
The Bishop Davis House
The British Army
The British Attack
The British Evacuation
The Camden Oak
The Cleveland School Fire
The Common
The De Kalb Monument
The Fortified Post
The Loyalists
The Price House
The Road to Battle
The Southern Campaign, Apr 1781 - Dec 1782
The Southern Campaign, Aug 1780 - Apr 1781
The Southern Campaign, Dec 1778 - Aug 1780
Tiller's Ferry
War in the Backcountry
Warrenton Muster Ground
West Redoubt
West's Crossroads / Donald H. Holland House
William Washington's Ride
Women in the Revolution