Historical Markers in Wayne County, Pennsylvania
1829 Stourbridge Lion
9/11 Memorial
As the Company Prospered, So Did the Community.
Christy Mathewson
Coachmans Cottage / The Spring House
Connell Park
David Wilmot
Delaware & Hudson Canal
Delaware & Hudson Gravity Railroad Coal Wagon
Dorflinger Glass Works
Dorflinger: America's Finest Glass...
F. M. Crane House
First Baptist Church
Former Site of the Lincoln Elementary School
From Alsace, France to White Mills...
Gibbons Memorial Park
Grace Episcopal Church
Gravity Railroad Depot
Heroes of 1776-Residents of Wayne County
History of Hawley
Jennie Brownscombe Birthplace
Jirah Mumford
Lackawaxen River
Lake Lacawac
Lincoln Nomination
Louis Arthur Watres
Mill Creek Bridge
Ruth McGinnis
Saint Mary Magdalen Parish Cemetery Children's Memorial
Samuel Meredith
Samuel Meredith
Sarah Mary Benjamin
Senator Kingsbury House
Skills Passed Down through Generations...
Snubbing Post
Stourbridge Lion
Stourbridge Lion
The Canal and the Rails Spark the Growth of White Mills...
The Deagan Chimes
The Ice House / The Woodshed
The Lacawac Sanctuary
The Stourbridge Lion
The Tallman Bridge
There Was More to White Mills than Glass
Veterans Memorial
War Memorial
War Memorial
Washington Irving and the "Irving Cliff" Hotel
Watching Over Their Livelihood and Their Homes
Watres Lodge / The Boat House
Waymart Area Veterans Memorial
Wayne County
Wayne County Civil War Monument
Wayne County Walk of Honor
Wayne County World War I Memorial
Wayne Memorial Hospital
Welcome to Historic Connell Park
When Christian Dorflinger Melded His Art with History...
World War II Memorial
Zenas Russell House