Historical Markers in Grant County, Oregon
An Oregon Fossil Rush
As told by an old timer
Canyon City Mural
Changing Times in Bear Valley
Civilian Conservation Corps
From Logging Camp to a Town
Granite, Oregon / Leaving Granite
James Cant Ranch Historic District
John Day/Canyon City
Kam Wah Chung Company Building
Lifeblood of a Ranch
Mascall Overlook
On the Road of History
Picture Gorge Basalts
Railroad to a Brighter Future
Rocks, Rails and Railroad Ties
Shearing the Sheep
St Thomas Episcopal Church
Sumpter Valley Railroad Hiking Trail
The Advent Christian Church
The Adventist Christian Church
The Oxbow Conservation Area
The Shearing Done
Welcome To Canyon City
Welcome to Kam Wah Chung
Welcome to Magone Lake
Welcome to the John Day River
Wool Bag Stand