Historical Markers in Benton County, Oregon
96th Infantry Division
Alice E. Biddle
Applegate Trail
Avery Park Applegate Trail Kiosk
Benton County Courthouse
Benton County State Bank
Camp Adair
Capitol of Territorial Oregon
City Hall
Early Town Development
Ebenezer Schoolhouse
Ecology of the Agricultural Reach
Elementary Schools
First Congregational Church
Historic Philomath College Building
Home of Fred J. Porter
Kearney Hall
Kings Valley Millstone
L.G. Kline Building
Madison Avenue
Mt. Union Cemetery
Oak Creeks Watershed
Oregon State University
Peavy Hall War Memorial
River Transport
Site of Corvallis Public Schools
Site of the Earliest Boat Landing
Sustainable Farm Management
The Applegate Trail
The Belknap Settlement
The Corvallis Arts Center
The Corvallis Ferry
The Incubator House & Poultry Building
The Opera House
The Timberwolves
The Trailblazers
The Van Buren Street Bridge
The Whiteside Theatre
The Wild West Division
Wilhelm Mill Water Wheel