National Register Listings in Jefferson County, New York
Abingdon and New Abingdon Apartments
Adams Commercial Historic District
Anthony, Levi, Building
Archer, William, House
Aubertine Building
Bates, Cyrus, House
Bedford Creek Bridge
Benton, Dr. Abner, House
Boldt, George C., Yacht House
Borland, John, House
Broadway Historic District
Brown, Gen. Jacob, Mansion
Brownville Hotel
Buckley, James, House
Burnham, E. K., House
Buttermilk Flat Schoolhouse No. 22
Camp, Elisha, House
Carter Street Schoolhouse No. 21
Cedar Grove Cemetery
Central Garage
Chaumont Grange Hall and Dairymen's League Building
Chaumont Historic District
Chaumont House
Chaumont Railroad Station
Chevalier, Xavier, House
Church of Saint Lawrence
Clayton Historic District
Clayton Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Cocaigne, Nicholas, House
Conklin Farm
Cornwall Brothers' Store
Densmore Methodist Church of the Thousand Islands
Dexter Universalist Church
Dezengremel, Remy, House
District School No. 19
District School No. 20
District School No. 3
Docteur, Joseph, House
Duvillard Mill
Dyer, Reuter, House
East Charity Shoal Light
East Hounsfield Christian Church
Emerson Place
Evans-Gaige-Dillenback House
Fairview Manor
First Baptist Church and Cook Memorial Building
First Presbyterian Society of Cape Vincent
Flower, Roswell P., Memorial Library
Ford, Charles, House
Galband du Fort, Jean Philippe, House
Galloo Island Light
George Brothers Building
George House
Getman Farmhouse
Glen Building
Grenadier Island Schoolhouse
Grindstone Island Upper Schoolhouse
Guthrie, Dr. Samuel, House
Holland Library
Horr, Elijah, House
Hubbard, Hiram, House
Irwin Brothers Store
Jefferson County Courthouse Complex
Johnson House
Johnston, Capt. Simon, House
La Farge Land Office
La Farge Retainer Houses
La Fargeville United Methodist Church
Lance Farm
LeRay Hotel
LeRay Mansion
LeRay, Vincent, House
Lewis House
Longue Vue Island
Losee, John, House
Madison Barracks
Methodist Episcopal Church
Methodist-Protestant Church at Fisher's Landing
Newton, A., Farm
Norton-Burnham House
Paddock Arcade
Paddock Mansion
Peugnet, Captain Louis, House
Pierrepont Manor Complex
Point Salubrious Historic District
Public Square Historic District
Public Square Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Ressequie Farm
Reynolds, George, House
Robinson, George T., House
Rock Island Light Station
Rogers Brothers Farmstead
Rottiers, John N., Farm
Row, The
Roxy Hotel
Sacket, Cornelius, House
Sacket, General, House
Sackets Harbor Battlefield
Sackets Harbor Village Historic District
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church
Shore Farm
Simmons, Stephen, House
Smith-Ripley House
St. John's Episcopal Church
St. Paul's Church
St. Paul's Episcopal
St. Vincent of Paul Catholic Church
Star Grange No. 9
Starkey, Otis, House
State Street Historic District
Stevenson-Frink Farm
Stone Mills Union Church
Stone Shop, Old
Strough, Byron J., House
Sulphur Springs Cemetery
Taft House
Taylor Boathouse
Taylor Flats
Taylor, Emma Flower, Mansion
Thomas Memorial AME Zion Church
Thousand Island Grange Hall
Thousand Island Park Historic District
Three Mile Bay Historic District
Tibbetts Point Light
Tracy Farm
Trinity Episcopal Church and Parish House
Union Hall
Union Hotel
Union Meeting House
United Methodist Church
US Post Office-Carthage
Vautrin, Claude, House
Village of Antwerp Historic District
Vogt House
Walrath, Arthur, House
Watertown Masonic Temple
Wheeler, Menzo, House
Wilcox Farmhouse
Wilson, Warren, House
Wood, Amos, House