Historical Marker
Settlements of the San Miguel Del Vado Land Grant
Side 1
Soon after the Spanish Government approved the San Miguel del Vado Land Grant in 1794, settlements such as San Miguel, Puertecito, San José , Las Mulas, Entranosa, Guzano, Bernal, La Cuesta and El Pueblo were established along the banks of the Pecos River. Others such as San Juan, Rivera, El Barranco, Sena, Lovato, La Fragua and El Cerrito were founded later in the 19th Century.
Side 2
This community was established in 1794 on a Spanish land grant of the same name. Located at the Santa Fe Trail's principal crossing of the Pecos River, it was a port of entry where caravans entering New Mexico stopped to pay customs taxes to the Mexican government. It was also the San Miguel County seat until 1864. Construction of the church began in 1806.