Historical Marker

Emiteria “Matie” Martinez Robinson Viles (1888-1961) / The Viles Foundation and Matie Viles

Side 1
Orphaned as a child in Golondrinas, “Matie” would forever feel a special benevolence toward orphans. She lived with her grandparents after the death of her parents, and later moved in with Elizabeth and Isaiah Robinson in Mora where she tended Elizabeth’s health. Matie married George A. Viles in 1908. When he found work at a lodge near Cowles, Matie packed their belongings on two buckboards and navigated rough terrain to help him manage it. In 1930, the couple bought Mountain View Ranch, a dude ranch patronized by East Coast investors who gave him financial advice.
Side 2
When George died in 1950, Matie thought she did not have enough money to pay for his funeral. He had kept secret a fortune amassed through his investments. Upon learning from his lawyer of her sudden wealth, Matie wanted to help children. She established the Viles Foundation in 1959 to provide scholarships for higher education to orphans and youth in San Miguel and Mora Counties. On its fiftieth anniversary, the Viles Foundation announced it had granted more than $2 million to 852 students statewide, many achieving great success. .