National Register Listings in Rockingham County, New Hampshire
Adams Memorial Building
Armstrong Memorial Building
Atkinson Academy School
Atlantic Heights Development
Bartlett, Josiah, House
Bartlett-Cushman House
Beach Club, The
Beck, Samuel, House
Benedict House
Chester Congregational Church
Chester Village Cemetery
Crockett, John, House
Currier, Capt. Jonathan, House
Dame School
Danville Meetinghouse
Danville Town House
Deerfield Center Historic District
Drake Farm
Dudley House
East Derry Historic District
Elkins, John, Farmstead
Elm Farm
Emery Farm
Exeter Waterfront Commercial Historic District
Exeter Waterfront Commercial Historic District (Boundary Increase)
First Church
First Universalist Church
Fort Constitution
Franklin Block
Freewill Baptist Church-Peoples Baptist Church-New Hope Church
Fremont Meeting House
Front Street Historic District
Frost, Robert, Homestead
Gilman Garrison House
Gilman, Maj. John, House
Greeley House
Hampstead Meetinghouse
Hart, Jeremiah, House
Hart, John, House
Hart, Phoebe, House
Hart-Rice House
Haven-White House
Highland Road Historic District
Jackson, Richard, House
James, Benjamin, House
Jewell Town District
Jones, John Paul, House
Kensington Social Library
Kensington Town House
Ladd-Gilman House
Lamprey, Reuben, Homestead
Lane, Deacon Samuel and Jabez, Homestead
Langdon, Gov. John, Mansion
Larkin-Rice House
Little Boar's Head Historic District
Locke, Elijah, House
MacPheadris-Warner House
Margeson, Richman, Estate
Moffatt-Ladd House
Moses-Kent House
Neal, James, House
New Castle Congregational Church
New Hampshire Bank Building
Newington Center Historic District
Newington Center Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Newington Railroad Depot
Newmarket Industrial and Commercial Historic District
Nichols Memorial Library
North Hampton Library
North Hampton Town Hall
North School
Northwood Congregational Church
Nutter-Rymes House
Old Deerfield Center Historic District
Old North Cemetery
Parsons Homestead
Pinkham, Daniel, House
Plaistow Carhouse
Porter, General, House
Portsmouth Athenaeum
Portsmouth Cottage Hospital
Portsmouth Harbor Light
Portsmouth Public Library
Prescott, Benjamin Franklin, House
Pulpit Rock Base-End Station (N. 142)
Raymond Boston and Maine Railroad Depot
Rockingham Hotel
Rogers, George, House
Rundlet-May House
Rye Town Hall
Salem Common Historic District
Sanborn Seminary
Sandown Depot, Boston and Maine Railroad
Sandown Old Meetinghouse
Scamman Farm
Searles School and Chapel
Sewall, Edward, Garrison
Shapley Town House
Sherburne, Henry, House
Smith's Corner Historic District
Smith, Simeon P., House
Smyth Public Library
South Meetinghouse
South Parish
Square Schoolhouse
St. Andrew's By-The-Sea
St. John's Church
Stevens Memorial Hall
Stone School
Strawbery Banke Historic District
Tenney, Samuel, House
Thornton, Matthew, House
Town Center Historic District
Town House
Union Meetinghouse-Universalist Church
Unitarian Church
Watson Academy
Weare, Gov. Meshech, House
Weeks House
Wentworth, Gov. John, House
Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion
Wentworth-Gardner and Tobias Lear Houses
Wentworth-Gardner House
Whidden-Ward House
Wiggin Memorial Library
Wiggin, Cornet Thomas, House
Woodman Road Historic District
Young, Gen. Mason J., House